Changing policy
One of the most effective ways to make lasting change is to change government policy.
Our policy work explores the factors that make it more likely people will need a food bank and the policies and practices needed to ensure we all have enough money to live on.

We work hard to show that ending the need for food banks is a mission for all, and one that every politician should be taking seriously.
While it can be slow and challenging, changing government policy has significant and lasting effects, and can make a real difference to millions of people on the lowest incomes.
We hold meetings with politicians, government ministers and officials, facilitate visits for politicians to their local food banks, and share Trussell’s latest statistics and research to inform the work of government at all levels across the UK.
Our work across the UK
Find out about our policy work in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
Policies to end the need for food banks
We know what’s pushing people to food banks, so we know the building blocks needed to end hunger for good, including:
Social security
A supportive social security system.
Decent, secure and rewarding work.
Health & disability
Dignified support for disabled people and people with health conditions.
Advice & support
Easy access to advice and support on money matters.
The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Ending the Need for Food Banks brings together parliamentarians from across the political spectrum to explore how to ensure no one needs to turn to a food bank to survive. Trussell provides administrative support to the APPG.