Help with energy bills
Find out how to get support with gas and electricity bills.
If you’re struggling to pay your energy bills, contact your energy provider first as they may be able to help.
Not all food banks in the Trussell community are able to support with gas and electricity. Some food banks may run schemes offering fuel vouchers, but this would only be available if you have first been referred to the food bank for emergency food support.
If you need support with energy bills, contact one of the organisations below.
Who to contact for help with energy bills
Your energy provider
In the first instance, contact your energy provider to see if they can offer any assistance. They may be able to review your bill and payment plan or have hardship funds available.
Your local council
Contact your local council with the specific request of accessing the Household Support Fund. This is a grant distributed by councils in England specifically to support those who need it most. If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland then you can contact your local council or local authority to see what support they can provide.
Scotland-only: All local councils participate in the Scottish Welfare Fund. This includes a crisis grant which you can apply for (provided you are eligible) to cover the costs of food and gas and electricity in an emergency. Find out how to apply for a crisis grant
Your local Citizens Advice office
Contact your local Citizens Advice office. It will be able to help you identify any grants you may be entitled to and support you with any applications. Use the links below to find your local Citizens Advice:
British Gas Energy Trust
The British Gas Energy Trust is an independent charitable trust set up to support families and individuals facing financial hardship and fuel poverty across England, Wales and Scotland. There is help available whether you are a British Gas customer, or with a different supplier.
Social housing provider
If you are renting through a Housing Association some social housing providers have pots of funding for energy support. You could try contacting your social housing provider to see if they can offer advice and support.
Home Energy Scotland (Scotland-only)
Home Energy Scotland provides advice and support on energy issues, including accessing grants for those eligible for energy efficiency measures.
Energy Support Scheme
The Energy Support Scheme (an energy bills discount provided by the government to eligible households) has now ended.
Advice helplines
If you’re worried about money and struggling to afford the essentials, you can contact a free helpline for personalised support.
If you live in England or Wales
A trained Citizens Advice advisor can help with:
– Navigating the social security system.
– Identifying any grants you may be eligible for.
– Access to emergency support if you can’t afford the essentials.
– Referrals for mental health information and support.
Call for free on 0808 208 2138
If you live in Northern Ireland
A trained NI Advice advisor can help with:
– Maximising your income.
– Navigating the social security system.
– Identifying any grants you may be eligible for.
– Specialist debt and budgeting advice.
Call for free on 0800 915 4604
Get emergency food
If you need help, your local food bank can provide an emergency food parcel. We can help you find out where to get a food voucher for emergency food.